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Changes are expected

February 13,2016 13:27

One of not so much beautiful traditions in our social life is “slamming” without reading, without hearing and without thinking. This will also happen with regard to Serzh Sargsyan’s speech yesterday, such “slamming” you will read in the next one week, as well as in the pages of “Aravot”. The opposition members showed emotions, which resulted in the fact that they are reluctant soberly to assess the situation based on their best interests and forecast the moves of their political opponents. This will continue as long as the aggressive and offensive vocabulary will be supplemented with the manifestation of courage and “fighting species”, on hearing the lumpen mass and similar words, they will cry, “oops, well done, he pointed out to the place like a true man.”

In my understanding, the President’s speech means that in the coming months or maybe weeks, major changes in the staff and structure in various government circles are expected, and not only in connection with obtaining positions of Dashnaktsutyun party. In today’s print newspaper, we have presented some excerpts, which, in my opinion, confirm these forecasts. Let me illustrate one more extract: “People who fail their own duties and gossip around have no place in power.”  I can only guess as to whom this message is addressed but by the part of my sphere, I cannot but notice that the media belonging to one wing (or “a small wing”) “slams” the other wing so hard that it will never occur to the mind of any opposition. And it is one of the private manifestations of the situation described by the President.

If I were a politician, I would try to understand what changes are expected in the government system and will build my further activities accordingly. By the part that these changes can benefit the state, I would applaud, by the part that causes harm, I would criticize. Lumpen, certainly, needs a “blind slamming”, and the 1000th conjugation of popular names but thoughtful people, I think, need more in-depth analysis with raising the problems and the ways of their solutions. I see one of my problems in reducing the lumpen mass and increasing thinking people. And it is not necessarily to focus on political topics, we can talk, let’s say, about culture, spiritual life, education, history and any other topic. It is important to HOW to speak. As we know, the style of discussion is more important than its subject. When this idea by Russian philosopher Grigory Pomerants will no longer sound strange to us, we will make a step towards the new political culture.


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