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The lawsuit of violence against journalists Hakob Karapetyan and Tehmine Yenokyan has reached the European Court

June 23,2016 12:25

Exactly one year has elapsed since the violence against the participants protesting against the electricity price hike on Baghramyan Avenue and the journalists covering the event. “Lradadar” Club of Media Initiatives Center had organized a discussion on this subject entitled “Electric Yerevan. One year later. Consequences and Conclusions”. Chairman of the Committee on Protection of Freedom of Expression, Ashot Melikyan, said that 21 out of 25 mass media employees were recognized as aggrieved parties, but during this one year, the circle of complaining journalists have narrowed. This, according to Mr. Melikyan, is very disturbing, “When the journalist refuses to struggle for some reasons, it causes is a big harm to our community. I can tell with full responsibility that the absolute majority of the aggrieved journalists are not fighting anymore.”

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It is noteworthy that journalists Hakob Karapetyan’s and Tehmine Yenokyan’s lawsuit have reached the ECHR. There are two more aggrieved journalists who initially had no lawyers and the Committee on Protection of Freedom of Expression is dealing with them. Hakob Karapetyan said that no action has been observed from the investigative body since October, “I have sent two queries and have received the same answers. We had mentioned names of people in the testimony, saying that we were taken to the Hunan Poghosyan and Levon Yeranosyan. Hunan Poghosyan has said, take out the recording chip and give it to me. I had seen how they are breaking cameras, so I felt pity and gave the chip. I was thinking that there must be a confrontation, rejection but nothing happens after my first testimony.”

Photojournalist Gevorg Ghazaryan told that during the events on Baghramyan Avenue, his camera was taken away with the memory card, “Half a day later, they called me saying that they have my camera. They returned the memory card but my photos were already devalued, numerous photos had already appeared in the information field. They had also compensated my broken glasses but I have not stepped back as the government must realize that they must be punished for it. I want them to understand that we will not give up”. Tehmine Yenokyan told that her professional activities were hampered during these events, “They tried several times to make me get into the car but they failed.” She described the work of investigators as unprofessional. She said that they did not answer her questions, “I have sent a video and I do not even know whether it was exposed to examination or not.” Interestingly, there are aggrieved in this criminal case but no suspects and accused. This means that the investigators can delay the case indefinitely. Incidentally, “A1+” journalist Marine Khachatryan’s lawsuit has also reached the Court of Appeals, the Committee on Protection of Freedom of Expression is going to send the lawsuit to the European Court but the journalist had refused. Marine Khachatryan said, “I had personal reasons.” and refused to comment on them.


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