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Armenian Defense Ministry possesses ‘irrefutable evidence’ about Azerbaijani violation of the RA state border

December 29,2016 18:40

Defense Ministry of Armenia provides further details about the subversive operation of the Azerbaijani forces, launched at the Armenian state border in early hours of December 29.
“The RA Armed Forces units neutralized the Azerbaijani assault, as the adversary was thrown back, leaving killed and injured, including in areas of our combat positions,” the ministry said in a statement , adding: “Unfortunately, during the military clashes the Armenian side suffered losses as well. Senior lieutenant Shavarsh M. Melikyan, private soldiers Edgar G. Narayan and Erik G. Abovyan were killed in battles.”
Defense ministry shares the grief of the irreparable loss and conveys its support to the family members of those killed.

Meanwhile, the ministry says it possesses irrefutable evidence of the Azerbaijani violation of the RA state border. “The whole responsibility for the occurred provocation lies with the Azerbaijani military-political leadership,” said the ministry.

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