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‘Hopefully we will give proper tribute to the heroes’: a concert in commemoration of April War victims

April 09,2017 02:34

The first rehearsal of the initiators of charity concert entitled “I swear to you, my country” dedicated to the remembrance of the Armenian victims of April War took place in “Aram Khachaturian” concert hall.

On April 10 patriotic works by Robert Amirkhanyan will be performed by Philharmonic Orchestra, State Chamber Choirs of Armenia, Yerevan and “Hover”, opera and pop singers. According to Robert Amirkhanyan he had never had an experience of such concert. “It bears an inner conception, something different, forasmuch as it is the word of the man living in his people’s embrace with his expectations and plans. I am happy about realizing this project in cooperation with Philhrmonic Orchestra”, told Mr. Amirkhanyan during the press conference.

Amirkhanyan has dedicated a part of the performances encompassed in the concert program to the remembrance of the victims of  April War. Armenian National Philharmonic Orchestra art director and chief conductor Eduard Topchjan noted in his turn: “We are all ready and excited. Hopefully we will represent a concert proper to our heroes.” Let us mention that the concert profit will be transferred to the families of the victims. The initiators of the concert informed that they discuss the opportunities of the future implementation of the project in Artsakh as well.




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