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‘I want to fight against Azerbaijanis on negotiation table as well’: April War hero

April 04,2018 19:36

3 months passed April War, the Minister of Defence of the Republic of Armenia, Seyran Ohanyan announced they carried out so much engineering and technological improvements aimed at strengthening the borders in those 3 months they had not done in the previous 20 years. Some people estimate the Minister’s announcement not as a thing to be proud of, but a shameful confession about the Government’s inaction for 20 years.

We asked April War heroes how they estimated the mentioned announcement. Harutyun Badalyan replied: “Engineering improvements were implemented during Mr. Ohanyan’s term of office. I was serving in the army at that time… Do not take it as if engineering should be done every day. They have done it throughout 20 years, I have gone to the posts by myself and seen what volume of operations have been undertaken. Do not perceive it as a shame, as if nothing was done during those years and everything was done only in a few months. They have simply put so much effort to be able to fulfill the gap of those 20 years.”

Shuli Hakobyan said: “Seyran Ohanyan’s words should be understood correctly. Do not think nothing was done. It is impossible to accomplish engineering and technological gap of 25 years in 3 months. It is impossible practically, I say it as a participant of the operations. Yes, there were some engineering gaps which were noticed only after April War. We practically had no idea of the way the already built things worked, and the consequences. But these are private cases, inasmuch as the adversary started actions and was wounded by an unprecedented technology one will not meet throughout the history. One of the examples is the adversary’s helicopter destroyed by a grenade due to Narek Markosyan, MI-8 transport helicopter destruction via Igla ground-to-air missile system presumably having 22 soldier and a commander passengers due to Manukyan Gevorg. We should have not looked for instructions in the books. We are in a situation worth taking lessons from.”

Armenian Revolutionary Federation Supreme Body member, military expert Artur Yeghiazaryan said that Azerbaijan is proud of its diversion subdivision – Yashma: “Yashma was destroyed in Artsakh during April War and the destroyer was a soldier aged 18-20. You understand? It was a subdivision having passed a special training course in Pakistan and Turkey, and an ordinary soldier, who was fulfilling his civic duty of 2 years, was able to destroy such a subdivision.”

The journalists asked April War heroes what has changed in their lives through these 2 years. Jora Afrikyan answered their worldview and the way in which they visualized the life has changed: “After a war you start valuing the life, the role of Armenian soldiers and their significance in our statehood more.”

He was constantly speaking about the army, the frontline and no word about his private life. Meanwhile, as we found out later on, he got engaged with his beloved lady after April War and is going to marry her.    

He has also changed his decision regarding the education field he had chosen. He studies diplomacy now: “I want to fight against Azerbaijanis on the negotiation table as well.” To the question implying how he was going to bring Azerbaijan to the negotiation table, answered his friend, Harutyun Badalyan: “Negotiation table? A country which consistently lies, the president of that country lies, keeps his country due to lies, makes fake speeches… does that country have a future? Of course not. What negotiations can take place with that country?


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