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Not to Exploit Live Streams Too Much, Be Initiative And Eliminate “Gossip” Journalism

April 13,2018 11:38

Students of the Faculty of Journalism of Yerevan State University have their own views about journalism. Tamara Gasparyan that currently writes on cultural topics, wants to address social and political spheres as well in the future.

“I think that while covering especially social topics journalists sometimes make mistakes, they do not follow essential ethic norms, record interviews without a permission, choose wrong words, do not behave properly while communicating to the representatives of vulnerable groups, treat them as judges. There are also journalists who limit themselves to official information, conferences, seminars, statistics and wait till someone comes to the editorial office. That is to say, there is a shortage for journalistic initiatives… Sometime one comes across such materials where the second party is missing,” Tamara says. She thinks that investigative materials are very few nowadays.

Social sphere is close to Nelly Petrosyan which, according to her, includes elements from other spheres as well. “In journalism, human stories are most appealing to me, it is interesting to listen to the thoughts of every citizen of your country. The golden rule of journalism is to identify a problem and find the best solution to it, isn’t it?

Covering social issues often turns to a successful portrait essay. For me, this genre can never be left behind by modern traditions of the Western journalism,” Nelly mentions. She says she wants the “gossip journalism” to vanish and coverage of social sphere to occupy a greater place. Nelly Petrosyan also thinks that there is a shortage of qualified translators for ensuring international news, that is why materials with numerous mistakes and falsified content find their way to the mass media. “It would be great if each mass media had at least one photographer. The presence of own “product” is always pleasant. I think that mass media exploits live streams too much, meanwhile its usage should be substantiated and effective,” adds YSU student.

Varsik Sahradyan is interested in cultural and sports spheres, she is impressed by particularly Armenian sportsmen. “One should write only objective and honest articles and never confuse personal with work. Reaching the best result requires to be as curious as possible,” she assures.

Sveta Papoyan is also interested in investigations and the coverages of the social sphere. “I prefer investigation sphere inasmuch as they enable to represent the issues from different angles, check the facts for dozen times, as you have time enough,” explains Sveta. She does not accept it when the journalists give questions with not so proper formulations and at an inappropriate time to parents of late soldiers.


Students of the Faculty of Journalism of Yerevan State University


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