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‘Republicans plan to sabotage Prime Minister’s election’: Nikol Pashinyan warns

May 01,2018 11:07

Last night, the prime minister’s candidate, Nikol Pashinyan, issued a statement announcing that the Republican Party is going to overthrow the prime minister’s election. “As you know, in recent days the representatives of the Republican Party of Armenia faction stated that they had no intention to hamper the election of the people’s candidate for the post of prime minister. These announcements were made today as well. But a short while ago we were informed that during a night meeting, headed by Serzh Sargsyan, Republican Party members have decided to sabotage tomorrow’s election so that the people’s candidate is not elected for the post of prime minister.

“I would like to inform you about this new development and call on you to come to the Republic Square with hundreds of thousands to show your will and support that we can defeat Serzh Sargsyan’s new plan. And the essence of the new plan is to overthrow the election of prime minister and try to restore the power of the Republican Party in the next stage”, announced Nikol Pashinyan. He expressed conviction that with the people’s will, they would be able to prevent that scenario.

“I simply urge you to be out in the streets early in the morning, gather in the Republic Square and counteract Serzh Sargsyan’s and the Republican Party’s new plan. Our slogan continues to be the same: the people won in this political process; the victory should be recorded de jure and it should take place through the National Assembly session results”.




P.S. The Republican Party of Armenia will make a decision on the voting for the candidate for Prime Minister after May 1, after getting acquainted with Nikol Pashinyan’s program. Vice Speaker of the National Assembly of the Republic of Armenia, Republican Party Spokesman Eduard Sharmazanov stated this in an interview with “Armenpress”. “”Republican Party faction leader will announce our decision before the voting”, Sharmazanov added.

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