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Nikol Pashinyan introduces newly appointed Deputy Prime Ministers

May 16,2018 14:04
Prime Minister Nikol Pashinyan introduced to the Government Staff First Deputy Prime Minister Ararat Mirzoyan, Deputy Prime Ministers Tigran Avinyan, and Mher Grigoryan. The Head of Government complimented the Deputy Prime Ministers for joining the government and wished them every success.

“We have to do an important job, and we must justify the hopes of the citizens of the Republic of Armenia and the Armenian people. We should remember that we are here by our people’s decision, and we will leave from here again by their decision. This is the philosophy of our activities, and in this period, we must serve the citizens of the Republic of Armenia and the Armenian people.

The government should be guided by the following rationale: we need to implement effective steps, and if we are convinced of the correctness of any step, taking into account the existing arguments, we should share them with the public and be able to convince them in the same way that we are sure,” Nikol Pashinyan said, adding that this should be the government’s work style, which follows from the rules of democracy. The Prime Minister emphasized that the citizens of Armenia should make sure that they are the most important source of decision-making.

At the same time, Nikol Pashinyan stressed that the executive power should not be a path of populism, instead it should have the mandate of citizens. “They should rest assured that we are taking the most effective steps. The Deputy Prime Ministers are supposed to be the most important actors in this process, and I wish you every success in your work. We must do our utmost to unite the potential of Armenia and the Diaspora around our government. Professionalism and dedication will be the primary performance assessment criteria. I think that we must be guided by the following principle: those who meet these criteria will continue to work. We shall be thankful to all those who will prove their effectiveness, and they will continue to serve the Republic of Armenia and our people,” Nikol Pashinyan said, expressing gratitude to the former Deputy Prime Ministers for their work.

First Deputy Prime Minister Ararat Mirzoyan expressed gratitude for trust, stressing that he shared the Premier’s approaches, the principles concerning the source of power – citizens, in order to constantly report to them.

“I think that a clear-cut task has been set. Those present and the public at large understand that we are living in a new Armenia. We all know what we need to get rid of, and we will take decisive steps to that effect,” Ararat Mirzoyan said. The First Deputy Premier expressed the hope that all representatives of the State apparatus, including the Government Staff, clearly understand the task ahead.

Deputy Prime Minister Tigran Avinyan expressed confidence that the long-awaited changes will be the main vector of the new government’s activities. “I feel that the changes that this government will implement will be unprecedented in the history of the Republic of Armenia. I expect that within a short period of time we will boast serious changes in the logic of the system of public administration,” Tigran Avinyan noted and expressed confidence that the government will achieve serious results.

Deputy Prime Minister Mher Grigoryan stressed the importance of coordinated action and implementation of the most important programs for the sake of improving the people’s well-being.

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