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Pashinyan to Georgian-Armenians: ‘Our mission is to become a ground under the feet of our people’

May 31,2018 13:37

“The victory which people recorded in Yerevan is also your victory, you are the full bearers of it, inasmuch as that victory has taken place in your fatherland. We have felt your support,” applied the Prime Minister of the Republic of Armenia, Nikol Pashinyan, who was in Georgia for a working visit, to the representatives of the Armenian community in Georgia.

“I am proud seeing the relations of the Republic of Armenia and Georgia. I am proud, being sure that the relations of our country are going to deepen, and that Armenians are going to feel themselves better in Georgia, and the Georgians in Armenia. Our state borders will not separate us, but unite, because the highest value is the sovereignty and independence of those two countries today. We will defend the right to be happy in our own fatherland,” he said.

The PM assured – no disappointment can take place, as some think of the current situation in Armenia: “Our mission is to become a ground under the feet of our people, for them to have new victories by strongly standing on it. Armenian people are never ever going to lose.”


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