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Musical week-end June 1-3, 2018 – Armenian talents – on the occasion of the centennial of the independence of the first Republic of Armenia

May 31,2018 14:08

On June 1, 2 and 3, a series of musical events will take place in Brussels for the celebration of the centennial of the declaration of independence of the 1st Republic of Armenia, on May 1918. Concerts are organized by the Performing Arts Department of AGBU France, in partnership with AGBU Europe, the Boghossian Foundation, the City of Brussels and the Armenian Community of Belgium.

By celebrating this historical event through music, the organizers wish to highlight talent, culture and exchange, these essential values to Armenia, a State “in progress”.

•  June 1, at 7 pm, a ceremony is organized at the City Hall of Brussels with the presence of the mayor. On this occasion, the AGBU String Ensemble will hold its very first concert. It will play the remarkable “Symphony for String Orchestra and Timpani” by Edward Mirzoyan, under the baton of the conductor Aleksandr Iradyan.

•  June 2, at 8 pm, the trio composed of the renowned artists Varduhi Yeritzian, Sevak Avanesyan et Hratchya Avanesyan will perform the scores of Shostakovich, Rachmaninov and Babadjanian in the magnificent settings of the Boghossian Foundation in the Villa Empain.

•  June 3, at 4 pm, Yessaï Karapetyan’s jazz trio, with Sylvain Fournet-Fayas and David Paycha, will also perform at the Boghossian Foundation – Villa Empain.

To learn more about the programme and the artists, please visit the website at:

In parallel to this series of concert, an urban public festival will also take place all day on Saturday June 2 in downtown Brussels. On Sunday, June 3, the Manneken Pis, the emblematic figure of Brussels, will be dressed in an Armenian traditional costume during a special ceremony.

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