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Father Koryun: ‘Head of church chosen by violence and coercion of KGB’

June 07,2018 15:38

“New Armenia, New Catholicos” national-ecclesiastical movement protested in the churchyard of Katoghike and St. Anna churches with the demand that Catholicos Garegin II has to resign.

“Our Catholicos does not have the faith that every simple believer has towards God. It is the high time for our church to be liberated, purified, and for us to have a truly irreproachable, immaculate, good-willed, prayerful Catholicos who loves the people”, said Father Koryun.

In response to the question of, whether what is the reason that a group of clergymen demand the resignation of the Catholicos, Father Koryun said: “Recently, our Prime Minister received a lot of love and respect in Sardarapat, while Catholicos was in despair, abandoned, no one from the people came  to ask for a blessing. That was so painful to see. God gave us the power to go out and demand that the Catholicos leaves peacefully”.

In response to our remark that the press links the ownership of many businesses to the name of His Holiness, Father Koryun said: “I must say with great sorrow that the name of Garegin II is defamed, as we see there are hundreds of articles on the internet on the businesses as you say. I have not come to discredit him, I just want to say that His Holiness should be a patriot, not someone who comes to power through bribe and violence”.

Father Koryun said that they would fight for some bishops to leave with the Catholicos as well. However, he did not tell the names of those who must leave. In response to our remark whether this refers to Kchonyan, Father Koryun said: “I do not want to give names. Our goal is not to let those people who are defamed become even worse becoming Catholicos”.

In response to the question of whether how they imagine his resignation as the Catholicos is elected for life, and whether they have a new Catholicos candidate, Father Koryun said: “Recently, the Russian Empire imposed a charter on us, resulting in something deceptive, as if it is the nation that elects. In fact, for years or centuries the head of the church was chosen by KGB’s violence or coercion”.

According to Diasporan Father Ashot, many clergymen from Diaspora join their demand: “Garegin II has to resign”. The Mother See issued a statement offering the clergymen demanding the resignation of Garegin II to meet.

In response to the question of, whether it is possible that they give up on their demands as a result of negotiations, Father Koryun said: “We are not going to negotiate, we will go tomorrow at 13:00 to present our demand”.

If their demand is not fulfilled, Father Koryun believes that they will continue to gather in the same place every day and continue the protest.




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