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Pashinyan: ‘I do not speak to any leader as much as I speak to the Russian President’

December 01,2018 13:41

“Armenia and Russia must remain strategic allies. This path must be strictly followed. But the term “strategic allies” needs to have more meaning on an everyday scale,” Acting Prime Minister and head of the My Step alliance Nikol Pashinyan announced.

He assured, “Our government is prepared to work so that Armenian-Russian relations can reach a new level, because we consider the development of our relations and spreading the working meaning of this to be necessary.”

Pashinyan emphasized that he respects all social-political-economic platforms that intend to increase bilateral relations between Armenia and Russia. “Yes, I perhaps do not speak to any other world leader as much as I speak to the Russian President, but these talks need to continue on all levels, including public, ministerial, and cultural. Armenian-Russian relations, including on a military technical scale, need to be raised to a new level.”

Luiza Sukiasyan

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