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Unprecedented Support for Armenia Fund’s 2018 Telethon

December 03,2018 15:06

With an unprecedented public support of the members of the Armenian American community as well as all major Armenian political, religious and benevolent institutions across the United States, Armenia Fund’s 21st International Telethon raised $11.1 million internationally for a variety of large-scale development projects, including introduction of latest field irrigation and solar power technologies to Armenia’s and Artsakh’s economically depressed areas. Donations poured in from dozens of countries around the world.

President of Artsakh, Bako Sahakian, the Primate of the Artsakh Diocese of the Armenian Apostolic Church, Archbishop Pargev Martirosyan as well as the newly elected CEO of Hayastan All-Armenian Fund, Haykak Arshamyan visited Los Angeles to encourage wide public participation of the Armenian community of Southern California.

The entire Armenian American community showed its unequivocal support for Armenia Fund – a celebrated philanthropic institution that continues to inspire hundreds of thousands in the Diaspora to bring unmatched development assistance to Armenia and Artsakh as it has been doing for the past quarter century. We are confident that the numerous development projects funded through this Telethon will continue to make a positive impact on the lives of thousands in Armenia and in Artsakh.” – said Maria Mehranian, President of Armenia Fund.

Board members of Armenia Fund and Hayastan All-Armenian Fund took active roles in rallying the Armenian communities across the world to encourage wide participation in this year’s Telethon. Armenia’s President Armen Sarkissian and Prime Minister Nikol Pashinyan made their donations by visiting the Hayastan All-Armenian Fund’s office in Yerevan and asking Armenian people to follow suit.

“Half of the funds of Telethon 2018 – roughly $5.5 million – were raised in the United States alone, compared to last year’s $3.6 million. Most importantly, we registered growth in the number of donors in virtually every segment of the Armenian American community and in every donor category. Preliminary reports indicate that the public participation increased by at least 17%. I believe that the recent changes in Armenia definitely played a positive role in this.” – said Sarkis Kotanjian, Executive Director of Armenia Fund.

Originating from Los Angeles, the 12 hour-long uninterrupted international broadcast featured documentaries about the beneficiaries of numerous Armenia Fund’s projects implemented since Telethon 2017 and highlighted positive changes that the donated funds made in the lives of thousands in Armenia and in Artsakh. The program also included lively discussions by prominent Armenian Americans about Armenia-Diaspora ties, developments in Armenia and Armenia Fund’s role in leading Diaspora’s outreach to its historic Homeland.

The Telethon 2018 campaign continues. Donations can be made by calling 1-800-888-8897 or through a secure weblink:

Armenia Fund, Inc. is an independent, non-sectarian 501 (c) (3) non-profit and tax-exempt California corporation headquartered in the United States. All donations are tax deductible to the fullest extent permitted by law.

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