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Armenia: New biogas plant and greenhouse open in Gegharkunik province thanks to EU

June 27,2019 18:08

A new biogas plant and greenhouse have opened in the community of Geghamasar in Armenia’s Gegharkunik province. The facilities were opened with EU support as part of the “Integrated Support for Sustainable Economic Development in Rural Mountainous Areas of Armenia” project.

The project aims to contribute to local economic growth by increasing regional competitiveness and creating sustainable jobs in the beneficiary villages of Geghamasar, Areguni, Pambak, Shaki, Shaghat and Angeghakot.

The event was one of many EU initiatives on energy efficiency within the EU Sustainable Energy Week 2019, which featured Sustainable Energy Days in Armenia.

“During the energy week 2019 we’ve had sustainable energy days throughout Armenia to set a leading example to prioritize energy efficiency not only in the fight for climate change but promoting the use of renewable energy through innovative technologies,” mentioned Andrea Baggioli, a representative of the EU Delegation to Armenia.

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