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‘Level of freedom in the press grew after revolution in Armenia’: EU ambassador

July 23,2019 19:39

Reporters asked the EU ambassador to Armenia, Piotr Switalski, about his opinion of Donald Tusk’s worrisome statement on the Artsakh conflict during a press conference. Switalski said, “Our position on the Artsakh issue has not changed. There is no need to worry about whether the EU’s position has changed. The EU is very consistent. Perhaps we have expressed our view in different ways, but our position has not changed.”

Reporters also asked about the level of freedom in the press in Armenia. They asked him whether he noticed any changes towards having an independent and unbiased media. “We believed that one of the most important elements of making society more democratic after the revolution was through creating an environment for independence in the media. The EU intends to help create an atmosphere of freedom for the media. The press has developed and the level of freedom has grown since the revolution. Armenia needs to have a more stable economy. The EU is prepared to support you with that, but everything else is in your hands.”

Hripsime Jebejyan

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