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Ararat Mirzoyan meets with Speaker of Serbian Parliament in Belgrade

October 14,2019 12:33

On October 12, the Speaker of the RA National Assembly Ararat Mirzoyan met with the Speaker of the Serbian Parliament Maja Gojkovic within the framework of the 141st Session of the Inter-Parliamentary Union being held in Belgrade .

Welcoming the delegation led by Ararat Mirzoyan, Maja Gojkovic thanked them for accepting the invitation to take part in the Session. She has noted that the Serbian side is ready to develop the multialteral and bilateral relations with Armenia. On October 25, Serbia will sign the Free Trade Agreement in the frameworks of the EEU and its member states.

Underlining our two peoples’ centuries-old relations the Speaker of the Armenian Parliament talked about the importance of their enlivening, and the opening of the Embassy of Serbia to Armenia can greatly promote it.

The parties discussed the opportunities of closer cooperation on the international parliamentary platforms, taking as a basis the national interests to each other.


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