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Prevention of domestic violence through a multi-sectoral response discussed in Armenia

November 09,2019 16:07

EU NEIGHBOURS. On 6 November, prevention of domestic violence through a coordinated multi-sectoral response was discussed at a workshop in the Armenian capital Yerevan.

The event was organised within the EU-supported project, ‘Promotion and Protection of Human Rights in Armenia’, in partnership with the Ministry of Labour and Social Affairs (MoLSA) and the United Nations office in Armenia.

The workshop aimed at strengthening the capacity of members of the Council on Prevention of Domestic Violence adjunct to the MoLSA and the staff of support centres in order to provide coordinated responses to cases of domestic violence and to discuss best practices on perpetrators’ programmes.

“Raising the victims’ awareness of their rights as well as training law enforcement agents involved in cases of domestic violence are important tasks to be addressed to ensure effective protection of women’s rights,” Deputy Head of the EU Delegation to Armenia, Ekaterina Dorodnova, said at the event opening.

Photo: European Union

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