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PACE Spring session is cancelled due to the COVID-19 Coronavirus

March 17,2020 10:30

The Spring plenary session of the Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Europe (PACE), which had been scheduled for 20-24 April 2020, has been cancelled due to the COVID-19 Coronavirus outbreak.

PACE President Rik Daems consulted the Bureau of the Assembly before taking the decision, which is aimed at protecting the safety and well-being of Assembly members, guests and staff.

The cancellation takes account of travel restrictions and quarantine measures put in place by a number of Council of Europe member States, and is in line with decisions taken by the Council of Europe’s host country, France, as well as a risk assessment based on information from the World Health Organization.

The Assembly had earlier decided to postpone all meetings of its committees until the end of March.

Exceptional measures may be proposed to the Assembly at a later stage in order to adapt its work plan for 2020.


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