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New sewage for more than 250 detached residences in Arabkir district

August 04,2020 16:56

A new sewage network is being constructed in three streets with detached residences in Arabkir district. The problem of sewage remained unsolved for many years will be solved for about 250 residences.
According to Yerevan Mayor’s Advisor Kamo Areyan, the length of the sewage line is 800 linear metres and its renovation requires AMD 57 million. The program is financed from the community budget. The annual program involves the most vulnerable areas in other administrative districts as well. 35 new manholes will replace the old and badly damaged ones. Asphalting of the area is also planned.
The sewer system of Yerevan is on about 950 km. And almost 80 % of it is damaged. The active members of the Council of Elders of Yerevan play an important role in reconsidering the problems related to sewage of the capital, selection of addresses to get renovation of sewers and disbursement of necessary amounts from the community budget.

Yerevan Municipality

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