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Consultations between the Foreign Ministries of the Republic of Artsakh and the Republic of Armenia

September 18,2020 15:56

On August 18, Minister of Foreign Affairs of the Republic of Artsakh Masis Mayilian received the delegation of the Central Office of the Foreign Ministry of the Republic of Armenia headed by Secretary General of the MFA of Armenia Vahagn Melikyan.

Masis Mayilian welcomed the members of the delegation  and highly appreciated the effective cooperation established at various levels between the Foreign Ministries, the periodic holding of consultations aimed at the coordination of the efforts in the foreign policy sphere, and the strengthening of the achievements in the development of international activities. In this context, the Foreign Minister of Artsakh noted the importance of such meetings, which are an efficient mechanism for exchanging experience, knowledge and ideas to promote more effectively the Pan-Armenian foreign policy agenda.

Later on,  the discussions were continued between the relevant departments in accordance with the plan of consultations of the Foreign Ministries of the two Armenian states for 2019-2020.

Artsakh MFA Press Service

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