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Azerbaijan continues targeting civilian settlements in Artsakh

October 31,2020 17:09
After the meeting mediated by the OSCE Minsk Group Co-chairs and the agreements reached on humanitarian issues, Azerbaijan has been targeting the civilian communities of Artsakh since the morning of October 31.
In the morning, the residential areas and the central market of the capital Stepanakert were struck, where no military object is located. The city was severely damaged by missile strikes.
The village of Herher in the Martuni region was also shelled, as a result of which one civilian, 59-year-old Apres Adamyan, was killed in his house.
The towns of Martuni, Martakert, and Shushi were also struck by artillery and heavy missiles. The data on the civilian victims and material damage are being clarified.
 Artsakh Ombudsman

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