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Recognition of the Republic of Artsakh critical for security against Azerbaijani armenophobia

January 12,2021 17:59

Azerbaijan’s Armenophobic rhetoric has escalated despite Baku’s poorly-veiled and disingenuous attempts to reach peace with the indigenous Armenians of Nagorno Karabakh, after 44 days of war crimes led to the Republic of Artsakh’s partial occupation by dictator Ilham Aliyev’s Turkey-backed and Islamist terrorist-reinforced forces.

“Azermarka” Ltd., operating under the Azerbaijani Ministry of Transport, Communications and High Technologies, has issued propaganda stamps depicting the “chemical cleansing” of Armenians out of Artsakh. This level of vile form of perverse dehumanisation was perhaps only last witnessed during the reign of the Nazis in Germany.

The Armenian National Committee of Australia (ANC-AU) reiterates the need for Australia and the international community to condemn Azerbaijan for its aggression, and to recognise the Republic of Artsakh’s rights to self-determination as a guarantee against such aggression.

This continuation of state-sponsored threats at ethnically cleansing indigenous Armenians from their ancestral homeland will not be defeated by silence, rather by a steadfast commitment to preserving human rights and democracy in the Republic of Artsakh and the removal of occupying Azeri forces and their Jihadist allies from Artsakh.

 Armenian National Committee of Australia
(12 January 2021)

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