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In Aragatsotn region, roadways leading from “Amberd” high mountain meteorological station to Amberd fortress and to Kari lake are closed

February 11,2021 14:33

The Ministry of ES of RA has informed that some roads are closed and difficult to pass in the Republic of Armenia.

In Aragatsotn region, roadways leading from “Amberd” high mountain meteorological station to Amberd fortress and to Kari lake are closed.


About Larsi

According to the information provided by the Department of Emergency Situations of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Georgia and from the Department of Crisis Management Center of the Republic of North Ossetia of the Ministry of Emergency Situations of the Russian Federation, Stepantsminda-Larsi highway is open for all types of vehicles, there are about 600 trucks accumulated on the Russian side.

Drivers are recommended to drive exclusively on winter tires.


Ministry of Emergency Situations of the Republic of Armenia

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