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“Incidents on Armenian Azerbaijani border a threat to CSTO member Armenia”: Stanislav Zas

August 10,2021 16:30

The incidents of the Armenian-Azerbaijani border pose a threat to the Caucasian region of CSTO responsibility and CSTO member Armenia, Secretary General of the Collectives Security Treaty Organization Stanislav Zas told reporters, Armenpress reports.

Stanislav Zas said he believes the opportunities for resolving the Armenian-Azerbaijani border conflict through political means have not been exhausted and it is necessary to continue working in this direction in the Armenia-Azerbaijan-Russia format.

According to Zas, the situation at the Armenian-Azerbaijani border is permanently in focus of the CSTO.

On a visit to a military base in Armenia’s Ararat province, Zas was asked to comment on the proposals the CSTO has developed regarding the resolution of the border situation and the organization’s failure to give a clear and simple assessment of the incidents on the Armenian-Azerbaijani border.

“We are carrying out organized monitoring, including with the help of Armenian state structures. Of course, we think that the incidents taking place at the border of Armenia and Azerbaijan, which we are talking about, pose a threat to the security of the Caucasus region of the CSTO’s responsibility and of course the security of Armenia, a member of the organization. If we speak about the ways of solving the issue, we believe that the opportunities for a political resolution of the situation aren’t exhausted, and this would actually be the best option for everyone,” Zas said.

Secretary General Stanislav Zas highlighted the working format which is outlined between Armenia and Azerbaijan, through Russian mediation. “All actions of the CSTO derive from this very perception of the situation,” he added.

“We are seriously concerned by the intensification of the incidents on the border. This doesn’t contribute to launching the abovementioned work. Furthermore, this complicates the implementation of the key agreements reached between the leaders of Armenia, Azerbaijan and Russia on ways to end the Nagorno Karabakh conflict and establish peace in the region. We expect that all sides will understand this and will take steps to resolve disputes through political means,” he said.

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