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Foreign Minister David Babayan Participated in the Conference Entitled ‘International Religious Freedom and Peace’

September 10,2021 14:22

On September 10, in Etchmiadzin, Minister of Foreign Affairs of the Republic of Artsakh David Babayan participated in the conference entitled ‘International Religious Freedom and Peace’, chaired by Supreme Patriarch and Catholicos of All Armenians His Holiness Karekin II.

David Babayan briefed on the issues related to the situation emerged as a result of the war unleashed by Azerbaijan, Turkey and international terrorists against Artsakh, the destruction of the Armenian historical and cultural heritage by Azerbaijan in the occupied territories, and the recent regional developments.

The Minister stressed that the Azerbaijani-Karabagh conflict and the aggression unleashed against Artsakh could not be considered as inter-religious confrontation, emphasizing that terrorists and extremists have no religion.

In this context, the Foreign Minister evaluated inter-religious dialogue, considering it among the most effective means for peaceful settlement of conflicts, for confronting extremism and xenophobia and highly appreciated the role of the Catholicos of All Armenians and the Armenian Apostolic Church in this process.

Information and Public Relations Department
of the Foreign Ministry of the Republic of Artsakh

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