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“They start from Narnadzor, continue with Zangezur and end with Yerevan, the capital of Armenia”: Pashinyan clarifies what Azerbaijan wanted at the last meeting in Brussels

September 14,2022 15:44

On September 13, Nikol Pashinyan said in the National Assembly that Azerbaijan was conducting an information war by spreading misinformation. “What is happening and why? First, it is related to the Karabakh issue negotiation process. You all remember that in March 2022, Azerbaijan presented 5 recommendations regarding the Peace Treaty. Our response was that there is nothing unacceptable for us in those proposals, but those points must be filled and we are ready to hold negotiations based on it and sign a Peace Treaty, if we reach an agreement on the relevant points. But currently, particularly during the last meeting in Brussels, it became clear and clarified that Azerbaijan refuses to conclude a Peace Agreement based on the principles we presented. There were several points, one of them was the observance of the points of the agreements of November 9, January 11, and November 26, the next important point was related to the security, rights, and status of the people of NK.

The position of Azerbaijan expressed during the negotiation process is as follows, they said that they do not want to discuss the Karabakh issue with Armenia, because their position is that the Karabakh issue is resolved, or it is an internal issue of Azerbaijan, they do not want to discuss the issue with Armenia. But the story doesn’t end there.

We have said before that one of the principles proposed by Azerbaijan, which refers to the mutual recognition of territorial integrity, is acceptable to us. Everything does not end here, additional clarifications are needed: what do we mean by territorial integrity? Or when Azerbaijan says the territorial integrity of Armenia, does it mean the territories it occupied as a result of May 12, 2021 or after the first war? According to our impressions and discussions, this issue definitely does not receive a response from Azerbaijan. Naturally, Azerbaijan expects Armenia to recognize Nagorno-Karabakh as part of Azerbaijan. Is it assumed that after these problems, if there is an understanding in theory, Azerbaijan does not have and will not have any territorial claims against Armenia? In the context of the conversation and the recording of political positions, it is heard that yes, Azerbaijan has no territorial claims against RA, but when the conversation goes, for example, about demarcation and delimitation, it becomes obvious that Azerbaijan is going to raise certain issues in that context, with its formulation and definition regarding ‘certain territories allegedly handed over to the Republic of Armenia in an illegal manner.’

They say the names of those areas in public speeches, record and talk about those areas. By and large, we should note that when interviews with such content are broadcast, they sometimes start from Narnadzor, continue through Zangezur or Syunik, and end in Yerevan, the capital of Armenia. If these were just interviews, one could not even touch on them, but all the facts, including diplomatic and negotiation, prove that this is a consistent policy on the part of Azerbaijan. As for the Nagorno-Karabakh problem, their position is becoming more and more clear that there is no Nagorno-Karabakh problem, the Nagorno-Karabakh problem has been solved, therefore there is nothing to discuss with Armenia. They can discuss this issue with international organizations and, according to their wording, with the representatives of NK Armenians within the framework of the constitution of Azerbaijan.”



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