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‘Armenia is a reliable partner of the IAEA’: Rafael Grossi

October 04,2022 20:15

Ararat Mirzoyan meet with the IAEA Director General Rafael Mariano Grossi

On October 4, Foreign Minister of Armenia Ararat Mirzoyan held a meeting with Rafael Mariano Grossi, the Director General of the International Atomic Energy Agency, who is in Armenia on a working visit.

Minister Mirzoyan emphasized that Armenia, as a country operating a nuclear power plant, values ​​the development of effective cooperation established with the IAEA aimed at the peaceful, safe and secure use of nuclear energy. The Armenian side highly appreciated the role of the Agency’s technical cooperation program and the IAEA missions, which are of core importance for the safe long-term operation of the nuclear power plant. In this context, Minister Mirzoyan underlined the inadmissibility of threats against the Armenian nuclear power plant, as well as unbidden speculations on the operation of the power plant.\

Rafael Grossi underscored that Armenia is a reliable partner of the IAEA and emphasized Armenia’s transparent working approach and consistent addressing of the recommendations of the IAEA missions.

The interlocutors commended the extensive agenda of Armenia-IAEA, which includes both nuclear safety and energy, as well as environment, healthcare, emergency situations and other fields. In this context, the Minister of Foreign Affairs of Armenia stressed the importance of the programs implemented with the financial and professional support of the Agency in the above-mentioned directions.

During the meeting, a number of issues on regional security were also touched upon.


Ministry of Foreign Affairs Government

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