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Time to feed on nonsense

April 04,2023 10:30

In this photo is the sign of Tegh village. A few hundred meters away from the road, in the territory of the Republic of Armenia, are the new positions of the Azerbaijanis, which they were deployed without any shots a few days ago. Volumes can be written about the guilt of the ”formers”, the Russians, the “5th column,” or the “11 thousand deserters”.

You can discuss that topic 24 hours a day, on all airwaves. The actual situation will not change this: the road passing through the sovereign territory of the Republic of Armenia is under the enemy’s direct target.

Moreover, suppose the Azerbaijani soldiers dismount from those positions and stand on the road. In that case, it is very likely that our authorities, committed to the “peace agenda,” will not hinder it. As a justification for such a policy, the CCs will remember one event in the 1990s or 2000s. And “pro-Western” NGOs will say Putin himself is sponsoring the next advancement of Azerbaijan.

The problem is not who will say and what. Other than that, these explanations or excuses will be entirely acceptable to most RA citizens. Therefore, the problem is not losing the war; there is no nation in the world whose history consists only of victories. The problem is that our society has lost its sense of reality. In other words, if the prime minister says at the government session tomorrow: “it’s okay that Azerbaijanis live in Charbakh, the Arabkir community is ours, and our government is doing everything for our proud citizens to build a democratic and prosperous state in that community,” it will not be perceived as complete nonsense. And we are not talking about lack of patriotism here, but logical severe deviations.

Demand creates supply. Any politician in any country will talk nonsense as long as he can “feed” them. So there is a need to heal people’s brains.


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