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“I emphasized that the international recognition of the right to self-determination of the Armenians of Artsakh has become an urgent necessity in this situation”-Taguhi Tovmasyan

April 29,2023 13:03

During the visit to Brussels I met Ms. Dorota Dlouchi-Suliga, the Head of Division at European External Action Service – EEAS and her staff with the Standing Committee staff on Protection of Human rights and public affairs of the RA NA.

I introduced the security issues of Armenia and Artsakh, gross violations of International Humanitarian law by Azerbaijan, security challenges of residents of border communities. I told that 800 employees of the Sotk mine are deprived of the opportunity to go to work, because Azeris have been shooting for more than a week and do not allow people to go to their work.

I mentioned that despite all the efforts of the international community and the EU observation mission to achieve peace in the Caucasus region, Azerbaijan continues the occupation of the sovereign territories of Armenia, fires almost every day in the direction of Armenian positions, border settlements of Armenia, carries out diversion operations, as a result of which, unfortunately, we have casualties and wounded persons.

I spoke about the problems of 120,000 of our compatriots from Artsakh, who have been in difficult conditions for 4 months as a result of the complete blockade of Artsakh by Azerbaijan, and are deprived of their rights to life, free movement, health and education, which are guaranteed by a number of international conventions and documents.

I emphasized that the international recognition of the right to self-determination of the Armenians of Artsakh has become an urgent necessity in this situation, which will provide an opportunity to save the lives of 120,000 people under blockade.

As I thanked them for responding to my letters, I mentioned that our visit was a necessary stimulus in terms of expanding cooperation.

Ms. Dorota Dlouchy-Suliga, in her turn, expressed her readiness for continuous cooperation and noted that the European Parliament has an important agenda with Armenia.

Chairperson of the Standing Committee on Protection of Human Rights and Public Affairs, nonpartisan Taguhi Tovmasyan


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