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“We are ready to challenge the credentials of the Azerbaijani delegation as soon as possible; we will not tolerate it anymore.” Frank Schwabe

October 14,2023 09:01

At the plenary session of the Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Europe (PACE), the “Humanitarian situation in Nagorno-Karabakh” discussion was held under urgent procedure. After the presentation of the report, the speakers of all PACE political groups condemned Azerbaijan for using force. Frank Schwabe, the spokesman of the group of socialists, said that Azerbaijan crossed all the red lines. “This parliament gives a clear message: no member state can cross the red lines. Azerbaijan is now on the red line. One step forward towards the sovereign territory of RA will mean that Azerbaijan has crossed all the red lines. We will not tolerate this anymore. We will use all our existing mechanisms; this is the message of this discussion and this whole week in general.”

Frank Schwabe defined ethnic cleansing, referring to what happened to the Armenians of Nagorno-Karabakh, and said: “War operations have never been acceptable for us. Azerbaijan closed the Lachin Corridor, made people feel there was no future in that area, and forced the Armenians to leave. We demand Azerbaijan to ensure that NK Armenians have access to their property houses, preserve the Armenian cultural heritage, and ensure that NK Armenians return to their homes.

We alerted the Committee of Ministers of the CE and the General Secretary of the CE to use all their possibilities. We are also ready to challenge the credentials of the Azerbaijani delegation as soon as possible. To argue not for all the issues but for their responsibility that the co-reporters were not allowed entering NK. They did not have the opportunity to go and visit the prisoners of war.

There is only one way: either the country agrees and acts in line with the principles of our organization, or the given country must leave this organization.”



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