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Every country has the right to have defense forces. Foreign Minister of Georgia responded to Azerbaijan’s complaint

November 15,2023 18:03

Ilia Darchiashvili, Foreign Minister of Georgia commented on the sending of weapons from France to Armenia.

The host of the “Free View” program on the Georgian Public TV channel asked the minister that information about the delivery of armored vehicles from France to Armenia via Georgia was shared in Azerbaijan and then Georgian media, and whether this would affect Georgia’s mediation between Azerbaijan and Armenia.

The minister emphasized that Georgia allows both countries to use their transit function under equal conditions.

The minister said that every country has the right to have defense forces. He added that countries have the right to acquire conventional weapons and ammunition that are not prohibited by international agreements.

“Georgia’s position is to allow both countries to use our transit function under equal conditions,” the minister said.

Noted that on Sunday there were reports about the transfer of armored military equipment of France to Armenia through Georgia.

On the night of November 11-12, “ACMAT Bastion” brand multi-purpose armored vehicles and various military equipment, intended to be supplied to the Armenian army, were loaded and sent to Poti Port, Georgia.

It should be recalled that the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Azerbaijan issued a statement condemning France’s shipment of “ACMAT Bastion” brand multi-purpose armored vehicles and various military equipment to Armenia.

The Ministry of Defense of Armenia did not comment on the news about the supply of armored vehicles of France to the country.

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