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Peace Corps Director Carol Spahn Administers Oath of Service to 21 New Peace Corps Volunteers in Armenia

May 22,2024 18:45

(Yerevan, Armenia | Wednesday, May 22, 2024) –Peace Corps Director Carol Spahn administered the oath of service to 21 new Peace Corps Volunteers who will live and work in Armenia over the next two years teaching English and supporting youth projects. Today’s swearing-in ceremony concludes three months of pre-service training in country and underscores a new chapter in the 32-year relationship between the agency and the government of Armenia. U.S. Ambassador to Armenia Kristina Kvien, Armenian government officials, community partners, and Peace Corps Armenia staff attended the ceremony.

“Today not only marks the beginning of a transformative journey for the Peace Corps’ newest group of Volunteers, but also the continuation of an enduring partnership with the Armenian people,” said Peace Corps Director Carol Spahn. “This new group of Volunteers will build on a 32-year foundation, made strong through the relationships formed during service. I would like to thank the Armenian people for opening their hearts and homes; the bonds of friendship and human connection that begin during service extend for a lifetime.”

During her visit, Director Spahn met with the President of Armenia Vahagn Khachaturyan to express gratitude for the Armenian government’s long-standing support of the Peace Corps and to discuss future opportunities for collaboration and partnership on locally identified priorities. Director Spahn also met with members across the Peace Corps network, including Volunteers, staff, civil society representatives, community partners, and host families to highlight Peace Corps Armenia’s education and youth in development projects throughout the country.

With this new group, a total of 37 Peace Corps Volunteers are currently serving in seven districts across Armenia. During their service, Volunteers learn to speak Armenian to build bridges for mutual understanding. Peace Corps service allows Volunteers to contribute their unique skills, learn new ones, and gain a global perspective that is highly valued in today’s interconnected world. More than 1,145 Peace Corps Volunteers have lived and worked side-by- side the Armenian people since 1992 when the governments of Armenia and the United States signed a bilateral agreement to establish a country program to promote world peace and friendship.

Peace Corps invites U.S. citizens from all backgrounds, who embody the spirit of service and cross-cultural understanding, to become volunteers. The next application deadline is July 1, 2024. Interested individuals are encouraged to apply online to take the first step towards a life-changing experience in contributing to global peace and friendship. Visit to learn more about Peace Corps Volunteer service and how volunteers connect with immersive experiences in over 60 countries.




The Peace Corps is an international service network of Volunteers, community members, host country partners and staff who are driven by the agency’s mission of world peace and friendship. At the invitation of governments around the world, Peace Corps Volunteers work alongside community members on locally prioritized projects in the areas of education, health, environment, agriculture, community economic development, and youth development. Through service, members of the Peace Corps network develop transferable skills and hone intercultural competencies that position them to be the next generation of global leaders. Since President John F. Kennedy established the Peace Corps in 1961, more than 240,000 Volunteers have served in 144 countries worldwide. For more information, visit and follow us on Facebook, Instagram and Twitter.

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