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Charles Aznavour’s 100th Anniversary Celebrated in Yerevan and Paris

May 23,2024 19:30

On May 22, the 100th anniversary of the renowned artist and humanist Charles Aznavour was celebrated with special events in his two homelands, France and Armenia.

To honor the centenary of the legendary French-Armenian artist and humanist, the Aznavour Foundation, in collaboration with the Ministry of Education, Science, Culture and Sports of the Republic of Armenia, organized a festive open-air concert. The event featured distinguished French pianist Erik Berchot, who had been a longtime accompanist of Aznavour.

The State Symphony Orchestra of Armenia, under the direction of artistic director and chief conductor Sergey Smbatyan, also performed. Local artists sang Charles Aznavour’s famous songs in Armenian, French, and English. A highlight of the concert was a virtual duet between Charles Aznavour and Erik Berchot. The event concluded with the audience singing “For You, Armenia.”

On the same day in Paris, with the initiative of Paris Municipality and in collaboration with the Aznavour Foundation, a prominent section of the Champs-Élyséeswas named after Charles Aznavour.

Paris Mayor Anne Hidalgo, Armenian Ambassador to France Hasmik Tolmajian, Charles Aznavour’s son Nicolas Aznavour, daughter Katia Aznavour, other family members, French artists, and public figures attended the ceremony. A plaque reading “Charles Aznavour, French artist and national hero of Armenia” will now welcome visitors to the park. In her speech, Mayor Anne Hidalgo announced that a statue of Charles Aznavour will soon be installed in the park.


As part of the year-long celebrations of Charles Aznavour’s 100th anniversary, numerous events are planned in Armenia, France, and other countries. In July, a photo exhibition will take place in Yerevan. In September, residents and visitors of the capital can attend a retrospective screening of Aznavour’s films. In October, a book featuring excerpts from various interviews with Charles Aznavour will be published.

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