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Adoption of draft to enable voters to get acquainted with information regarding conduct of elections in a publicly accessible way

June 12,2024 18:45

The draft stipulates that the list of voters will be posted on the official websites of the Central Electoral Commission and the Ministry of Internal Affairs before the voting day, which should contain information about the voter’s name, surname, patronymic, date of birth, month, year, registration address, voting day and time, the number and the address of the polling station. The Head of the Migration and Citizenship Service of the RA Ministry of Internal Affairs Armen Ghazaryan said this.

The draft law on Making Addendum and Amendments to the RA Electoral Code was debated in the first reading at the regular sitting of the National Assembly on June 11.

According to the current regulations, in case of establishing more than one polling station in the community, the notification was sent to the voter in paper version according to the established procedure of the authorized body. This regulation, which has been in place since 2006, according to the key rapporteur’s description, is outdated and ineffective.

The co-rapporteur, the member of the Standing Committee on State and Legal Affairs Arpine Davoyan presented the endorsement of the Head Committee regarding the legislative package. She noted that the adoption of the draft will enable the voters to publicly familiarize themselves with the information related to the conduct of the election, ensuring the exercise of the voters’ electoral right guaranteed by the Constitution of the Republic of Armenia in a more effective way.


National Assembly of the Republic of Armenia

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