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Petition of the Forum of the Democratic Forces’ Platform to the authorities of the Republic of Armenia to organize Referendum on Armenia’s membership in the European Union

June 20,2024 19:40

Today the Democratic Civic and Political Forces Platform hosted the Forum on the Referendum on Armenia joining the European Union. The Forum took place at the Ani Plaza Hotel in Yerevan. Participants of the event included representatives of democratic non-parliamentary political parties and CSOs, activists, and other leaders and members of the Armenian civil society. Representatives of the foreign diplomatic corps in Armenia were also present at the Forum.

Participants highlighted the need for Armenia to join the European family of nations as it would provide the nation with a greater level of security and prosperity and improve human and political rights in Armenia. Participants also discussed the need for both the Armenian government, as well as Armenian businesses and individual citizens to undertake serious efforts to make the country reach and maintain European standards in several key areas including, among others, food safety, governance, economy, taxation, women’s and minorities rights.

In the aftermath of productive discussions, participants signed a Resolution Petitioning the Government of Armenia to Conduct within four months of the forum’s date a National Referendum on Armenia joining the European Union.

The full broadcasting of the forum can be reached through the following link:


Petition of the Forum of the Democratic Forces’ Platform to the authorities of the Republic of Armenia to organize Referendum on Armenia’s membership in the European Union


Bearing in mind the demand formed among the public of the Republic of Armenia in recent years in the direction of closer integration with the European Union, which is based on the commonalities of civilization and geopolitical interests of the peoples of Armenia and Europe,

Taking into account the imperative of ensuring the security, economic and human development of the people of Armenia, which can be realized at this historical stage only through the European integration of Armenia,

The Platform of Democratic Forces, in the face of democratic extra-parliamentary political parties and civil organizations and individual citizens, calls on the authorities of the Republic of Armenia to organize a referendum on Armenia’s membership in the European Union within the next 4 months.


  1. Edgar KHACHATRYAN National Facilitator, Eastern Partnership Civil Society Forum’s

Armenian National Platform, Chairman of Peace Dialogue NGO


  1. Lousineh HAKOBYAN, Co-Chair, EU-Armenia Civil Society Platform


  1. Azat ARSHAKYAN, Former Dissident, Member of the first Parliament of independent Armenia


  1. Aram SARGSYAN, Chairman, Hanrapetutyun (Republic) Party


  1. Tigran KHZMALYAN, Chairman, European Party


  1. Arman BABAJANYAN, Chairman, «Rally for the Republic» Party


  1. Levon SHIRINYAN, Chairman, Christian Democratic Party


  1. Hovsep KHURSHUDYAN, Chairman, “Free Citizen” Civic Initiatives’ Support Center NGO


  1. Levon BARSEGHYAN, Head, Gyumri «Asparez» Journalist Club


  1. Daniel IOANNISYAN, Coordinator, the Union of Informed Citizens


  1. Artur SAKUNTS, Head, Vanadzor office of the Helsinki Citizens’ Assembly


  1. Nerses KOPALIAN, Professor at the University of Nevada, USA


  1. Gohar SHAHNAZARYAN, Armenia Women’s Fund


  1. Hayk MIRZOYAN, Chairman, Conservative Party


  1. Areg KOCHINYAN, Chairman, Security Policy Research Center, political scientist


  1. Harutyun MKRTCHYAN, political scientist


  1. Armen MARTIROSYAN, Vice President, the Union of Industrialists and Businessmen of Armenia


  1. Lilit DALAKYAN, political scientist


  1. Harut KALAYJIAN, ProArmenia NGO


  1. Arnold BLEYAN, Armenian Center for Democracy and Security


  1. Garegin MISKARYAN, Director, Democratic Platform Foundation


  1. Gevorg RAISYAN, Young European Ambassador


  1. Bardugh GALSTYAN, Member of the Central Board of the Ramkavar Liberal Party


  1. Vanik Nikoyan, journalist


  1. Ruben MEHRABIAN, analyst, vice-chairman of the “For the Republic” party


  1. Davit STEPANIAN, analyst


  1. Khachatur PETROSYAN, RA citizen


  1. Simon SARGSIAN, journalist


  1. Kamo ASATRYAN, lawyer


  1. Razmik RUSHANYAN, President, “Protection of Rights of Freedom Fighters and Disarmed Servicemen” NGO


  1. Hasmik Aslanyan, President, Shogher Union NGO


  1. Vazrik PETROSYAN, ProArmenia NGO


  1. Levon HUNANYAN, Armat Community NGO


  1. Armanda ZARYAN, RA citizen


  1. Liana NAVASARDIAN, RA citizen


  1. Arsen HOVHANNISYAN, RA citizen


  1. Beautiful NAZARYAN, RA citizen


  1. Vahagn Khachikyan, RA citizen


  1. Ashkhen ALAVERDIAN, RA citizen


  1. Silva SAHAKYAN, RA citizen


  1. Artyom ABROYAN, RA citizen


  1. Artur Torosyan, RA citizen


  1. Mariam Minasyan, RA citizen


  1. Astghik POGHOSYAN, RA citizen


  1. Samvel FELEKYAN, RA citizen


  1. Arpenik GRIGORIAN, RA citizen


  1. Lusine MARTIROSYAN, RA citizen


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