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A draft for construction of a new tunnel in Dilijan to be presented

July 11,2024 11:15

The proposed amendment extends the term of the Agreement, which expired in December 2023. The project is entirely completed, but there are certain obligations in the post- completion phase that are subject to fulfillment, so there was a need to extend the deadline until August 31. This was stated by the RA Deputy Minister of Territorial Administration and Infrastructure Kristine Ghalechyan at the extraordinary sitting of the Standing Committee on Financial-Credit and Budgetary Affairs of the National Assembly on June 10.

The Committee debated the draft law on ratifying the Letter-Agreement Loan 3449-ARM between the Republic of Armenia and the Asian Development Bank: Armenia-Georgia Border Regional Road (M6 Vanadzor-Bagratashen) Improvement Project – third extension of the loan closing period and redistribution of the loan funds.

The project plans to implement the design works of the Pushkin, Dilijan tunnels, which have been ordered and are in the design stage. The Deputy Minister noted that studies have been carried out, according to which it was necessary to change the design task and to order a new project for the Dilijan tunnel.

The draft law was endorsed.

The report of the budget office of the National Assembly for the second quarter of 2024 on the works carried out was also presented to the Committee.

According to the expert of the Budget Office Armine Varshamyan, the office received 8 requests from the NA standing committees during the reporting period. Based on them, 219 references were prepared and provided to the NA Vice Presidents, all the standing committees, as well as the factions and the deputies. During the first semester, 387 references were prepared.

The office prepared and submitted to the NA Standing Committee on Financial-Credit and Budgetary Affairs the summary of the annual report on the execution of the RA 2023 state budget within the specified period, as well as the summary of the information presented by the Government on the execution of the state budget for the first quarter of 2024.


National Assembly of the Republic of Armenia

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