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‘We will have a very good country’: Garegin Chugaszyan will go on with his hunger-strike

May 12,2018 13:35

A member of the opposition movement “Founding Parliament” Garegin Chugaszyan that had been disappeared after the Police Patrol Regiment seizure (accused of organizing mass disorders) and had been arrested on April 24, was released today. He announced “My hunger-strike is not over yet. I am going on with it”, in Arshakunyats Ave, where the supporters of “Sasna Tsrer” had closed the roads. Let us remind that he took part in the hunger-strike demanding to release the political prisoners by amnesty. Chugaszyan greeted the Founding Parliament supporters and said: “The nation owns everything, the nation will show the way. I assure you, all the difficulties will be overcome, and we will have a very good country”.



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