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Industrial design exhibition showcases work of leading designers in Armenia

June 20,2018 13:10

Between 15 and 24 June, the Armenian capital of Yerevan is hosting an exhibition on industrial design. The ten-day event, supported through the EU-funded “Support to SME Development in Armenia” (SMEDA) project, aims to explore the innovative and continued appeal of the contemporary design and solutions.

The exhibition is bringing together leading Armenian designers and architects, as well as international professionals, to create an active platform for the development of industrial design in the country and to foster collaboration between creative minds and the business and industrial sectors.

During the event, works of 18 individual designers and teams dealing with product and industrial design will be presented. In addition, over 30 design pieces will be on display accompanied by the individual stories of the designers behind each object.

The EU’s SMEDA project supports the improvement of the business and investment climate for small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) in Armenia. As part of the EU4Business initiative, it also aims to strengthen the private sector, support SME coordination mechanisms, and foster links between research institutions and the private sector, as well as providing access to finance for SMEs.

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