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Resolution about the political situation in Armenia. IDC-CDI

January 23,2020 13:15

• Underlining the importance of the wide and comprehensive political dialogue and inclusive political
environment in the framework of Constitutional order of Armenia;

• Stressing that the plurality of information, freedom of the media, political competition, rule of law,
justice and democracy are the main principles and values of a democratic society and are key to the
success of Armenian statehood-building;

• Noting the worrisome continuation of politically motivated abuses of state influence on opposition
and governmental opponents.

• Warns Armenian government on sliding into a path of authoritarianism and alarms that abusing the
public pressure in order to negatively shift the system of checks and balances in favor of the ruling
party would be a big step backwards;

• Calls on the Armenian authorities to fully respect the independence of the judiciary and to refrain
from influencing on judicial decisions and making any political instrumentalization of them;

• Expresses serious concerns over the Armenian judiciary system becoming a tool of retribution against
political opponents in the hands of the authorities;

• Calls upon the government of Armenia to reverse these trends and concentrate on the country’s
future, insisting that failing to reverse these trends will seriously harm Armenia and its progress in
moving towards the European family of nations.

• Reminds Armenian authority of the importance of an effective implementation of Comprehensive
and Enhanced Partnership Agreement between the European Union and the Republic of Armenia;

• Expresses its concerns by the intimidation and a criminal case against the Chair of the Constitutional
Court Mr. Tovmasyan. The constitutional order and rule of law must be guaranteed.

The IDC-CDI will continue to closely monitor and support the democratic process of Armenia for the benefit
of its citizens.

Yogyakarta (Indonesia), January 23, 2020



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