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‘There is an appeal to the ECHR on this case’: Switalski about his presence at Andrias Ghukasyan’s case hearing

May 07,2018 21:50

Piotr Antoni Switalski, the head of the EU Delegation to Armenia, was also present at the hearing on Andrias Ghukasyan’s case, who was released by the decision of the court.

In an interview with journalists, he explained the reason for his presence: “Representatives of the EU delegation took part in all the hearings of this case. It was my turn this time. We monitor this process to ensure that the judicial system in Armenia operates fairly”.

Asked whether how was the trial of Ghukasyan in the preceding months and whether violations were registered, Switalski did not give assessments: “I can only say that the EU supports Armenia in order to develop an independent judicial system. We believe that it is important for Armenia”.

Whether why the EU Delegation decided to monitor specifically this case, the Ambassador noticed: “Taking into account the fact that there is an appeal to the ECHR on Ghukasyan’s case, international human rights NGOs pay attention to this case. We had decided to take part in the sessions a few months ago. We think monitoring is our friendly duty to Armenia”.

Let us remind that Andrias Ghukasyan was accused of assisting the “Sasna Tsrer” group in organizing mass disorders and seizing the regiment on July 29, 2016. From now on he will attend the sessions, not as a detainee.




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  1. Ha! Where was the EU and, for that matter, all other nations while these innocent citizens were, and ARE STILL, rotting behind regime bars!?!?! These regime-friendly countries have a lot of explaining to do – and we will not rest until they are forced to FULLY explain their cowardly complicit acts!

    “Asked whether how was the trial of Ghukasyan in the preceding months and whether violations were registered, Switalski did not give assessments: ‘I can only say that the EU supports Armenia in order to develop an independent judicial system. We believe that it is important for Armenia.'”

Leave a Reply Robert Davidian